Can You Treat ADHD Without Drugs or Medication?

ADHD can be a challenging condition to treat. At this time, there is no cure for ADHD. With that being said, you can learn to effectively treat it, reducing symptoms. There are many drugs and medications on the market that are prescribed for this purpose, however many are now looking for alternative methods.

There is a growing demand for supplements, vitamins, herbs, and other natural remedies. Not only are there many plant-based solutions for mental health, but one’s lifestyle can also play an important role. By making changes to your current lifestyle, you could positively impact your symptoms of ADHD.

Remember, not everyone is the same. We are all unique beings, with unique needs. The supplements and remedies mentioned, should not replace your current treatment. Before making any changes to your current treatment plan, please speak with your doctor.

Increasing Physical Activity

While focusing on one’s mental health, exercise is almost always recommended. For many ADHD patients, exercise routines have provided effective therapy options. In the United States alone, 9% of children suffer from ADHD. For these children, participating in sports is often recommended.

Not only does it help them burn off energy, but it improves circulation to the brain. When neural tissue is exposed to oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, it supports higher functioning. Also, improved circulation may improve ADHD at the chemical level.

When areas of the brain are exposed to this increase in oxygen and nutrients, individuals experience higher levels of mental clarity. Increased exercise is also associated with stress reduction, helping individuals calm ‘over-excited’ nerves.

Meditating to Treat ADHD

The practice of meditation has a vast and extensive history. Although meditation is commonly linked to spirituality, is can also be used as brain support. It has been found that when people take part in regular meditation, they’re able to promote a calmer, more focused mental state. Since individuals with ADHD struggle to focus, this could be a beneficial addition to any treatment.

When you’re in a state of meditation, new neural pathways begin to form. It also impacts GABA receptors, creating a calming effect. GABA is the neurotransmitter which is responsible for an inhibitory effect on excitatory neurons. Basically, when your nerve cells are over-excited, this can create feelings of stress and anxiety.

Although meditation can create this effect, so can numerous supplements. For instance, Phenibut is a daily supplements that can aid your GABAergic receptors. With that being said, when you take part in meditation over an extended period, you can create lasting effects. If you suffer from ADHD and are trying to avoid drugs and medication, learning how to effectively meditate is highly recommended.

Maintaining a Level of Mental Stimulation

If meditation isn’t for you, there’s another option that lies on the opposite end of the spectrum. For those that suffer from ADHD and want to avoid drugs, it’s important to keep the mind stimulated and challenged.

This is why it’s important to challenge yourself. If your child is affected by ADHD, encourage them to start a new activity. Both art and music have been shown to yield positive results. For those that like more strategic activities, puzzles and video games can provide this level of mental stimulation.

These activities help increase the level of neurotransmitters available, including serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine for example, helps promote focus and clarity. Whenever possible, encourage your child to engage in these types of activities, in comparison to watching TV or other passive options.

Diet and Vitamins for Treating Symptoms of ADHD

When you continually eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet, you help improve your neural health (as well as your physical health). Based on research, it has been recommended that those with ADHD, consume a diet which is rich in protein, low in simple carbs, high in omega-3 fatty acids, and high in complex carbs.

So, what’s the difference between simple carbs and complex carbs? Simple carbs are considered to be candy, white bread, white pasta, and other foods that breakdown quickly. This causes a spike in one’s blood sugar, creating what is sometimes known as a ‘sugar high,’ leaving the individual with a lack of energy shortly after.

With complex carbs, such as fruits, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and brown rice; the individual’s blood sugar maintains a higher level of stability. Since these items are digested slowly, they are a more sustainable source of gradual energy. This helps individuals concentrate more effectively, which could assist those with ADHD.

B-vitamins are another area which shows promise for individuals with ADHD. In various studies, B-complex vitamins have shown to reduce hyperactivity, while increasing serotonin. For instance, vitamin B6 helps to regulate one’s mood and overall brain function. When you consume enough of this vitamin, it aids in expanding short attention spans.

Magnesium is another mineral which many are deficient in. In fact, up to 85% of Americans are deficient in this mineral; which has been associated with hyperactivity in children. Magnesium provides calming effects, which is why it’s known as the ‘anti-stress’ mineral.

Supplements That Support Focus and Improve Attention Span

Supplementation is becoming an increasingly popular area, as more natural options are being offered in place of medication and drugs. Nootropics tend to enhance cognitive functioning, improving one’s ability to stay focused. When comparing various nootropics to Ritalin for instance, there are substantial differences.

When children take Ritalin or Adderall, their brain becomes overwhelmed with extremely high levels of dopamine. These drugs can also lead to more serious side-effects, in comparison to supplementation. While focusing on the racetams class, they not only promote higher levels of focus, but also neural wellness.

Piracetam for instance, helps promote mental clarity and higher levels of concentration. This is achieved naturally, as acetylcholine receptors are activated, without exposing an individual to extreme brain chemical spikes. At this time, the most common nootropic therapy consists of Piracetam, stacked with Citicoline.

A Cure for ADHD

At this time, there is no cure for ADHD. However, potentially dangerous prescription medications are still being readily handed out. Yes, they do improve symptoms, but they do not work to protect one’s brain. Supplements and lifestyle changes, can help improve symptoms, while contributing to neural health and cognitive functioning.

If you or a loved one suffer from ADHD, it is suggested that you look into the benefits of more holistic solutions. Exercise, meditation, a balanced diet, and vitamin intake; are all great ways to target symptoms of ADHD (they’re also highly beneficial to those that don’t suffer from ADHD).