White Mulberry Leaf


White Mulberry Leaf, also known as white mulberry, is a short-lived tree that grows up to 20 m tall. It’s been utilized throughout traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, often used for its benefits regarding improved blood sugar and blood lipid levels.

Research has shown that an extract from the leaves of this plant, best known as food for silkworms, may actually provide numerous benefits for those who are overweight. As mentioned, it’s believed to significantly lower blood sugar and improve cholesterol and blood lipid levels.

Background on White Mulberry Leaf

Used for years within traditional medicine, there been researching ranging this plant’s positive effects on blood lipids to weight-loss, with a lot of focus on blood sugar. When type II diabetics were given White Mulberry Leaf at a dose of 3 grams daily for four weeks, it was found that A1C levels were dramatically reduced, as well as reduced LDL cholesterol.

In a separate clinical trial, subjects were given tablets that contained 280 mg of White Mulberry Leaf, three times a day for a total of 12 weeks. At the end of the study, LDL and triglycerides were significantly decreased, whereas HDL or good cholesterol went up by 19.7 percent.

White Mulberry Leaf and Weight-Loss

Based on White Mulberry Leaf’s impact on blood sugar levels, researchers began conducting clinical trials to evaluate the effects this plant had on weight-loss. Their study examined 46 overweight people who were divided into two groups.

Each group was given the exact same diet of 1300kcal, however, one group received 2400 mg of mulberry extract and the other received a placebo. Every 30 days, measurements were taken regarding body weight, blood chemistry, and waist circumference.

In the experimental group, it was found that after 3 months, they had lost 20 pounds, which was significantly higher than the placebo group. Greater glucose curves and plasma insulin were also observed within the White Mulberry Leaf group. Overall, the study concluded that White Mulberry Leaf dramatically accelerated weight loss while improving blood glucose levels.


It’s said that mulberry leaf reacts perfectly with sugars which is why it is the perfect supplement to take before a meal. Not only does it affect appetite but it will make you feel fuller, for longer. Since this supplement regulates blood sugar, it helps reduces cravings between meals, reducing calorie intake.

Mulberry leaf contains chemicals that are believed to work in a similar fashion as diabetes medications. They slow down the breakdown of sugars in one’s gut so that they’re absorbed more slowly. This helps keep blood sugar levels within the normal range, avoiding dramatic spikes.

Other Health Benefits of Mulberries

As mentioned, mulberry leaves have long been used throughout history to treat diabetes and other related illnesses. Based on research, there has been a variety of possible benefits discovered outside of glucose regulation and weight-loss, including treatment for cholesterol, blood pressure, common colds, joint pain, hair loss, and more.

Fighting Arterial Plaque

Arterial plaque is what leads to heart attacks and strokes. It’s been found that compounds in mulberry leaves are effective as suppressing the progression of atherosclerosis. This is better known as the build-up of plaque in the arteries.

Mulberry leaves work by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol. Since plaque is essentially a build up cholesterol, this supplement could reduce one’s risk of heart complications. These effects have been studied both in humans and rabbits.

Lowering Blood Pressure and Increasing Circulation

Further support of one’s cardiovascular system can be achieved based on mulberry leaf’s properties based on its GABA content. GABA naturally helps lower blood pressure and boost circulation. The strengthening of blood vessels has also been reported.

Nutritionally Dense

Studies have shown that this leaf is caffeine free, but contains up to 28 percent protein and is loaded with essential amino acids. In comparison to milk, these leaves contain up to 25 times more calcium. The same is true for iron, as mulberry leaves contain up to 2.5 times the amount of iron that’s found in spinach. By consuming this supplement, you also gain vitamin A, vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, and more.

Possible Side Effects of Mulberry Leaf

When taking mulberry leaf, it appears to be safe for the majority of users. Some sources say that not enough studies have been conducted in order to prove its safety, however, when taken as recommended, side effects aren’t generally reported.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please do not take mulberry leaf. Also, if you have diabetes, mulberry leaf could potentially lower your blood sugar too much, increasing your risk of hypoglycemia. If you have diabetes or are taking any medication, please speak with your doctor.

How to Take Mulberry Leaf

It’s recommended that you take one capsule approximately twenty minutes before a meal, up to two times daily. Research suggest 1 gram, three times daily for those who have diabetes or high cholesterol. However, follow the directions on your specific supplement’s label.
