Can Krill Oil Threaten Your Health or Liver?

Nutrition and the dangers associated with various ingredients, has never been so confusing. One source will tell you that an ingredient is beneficial to your health, while another will steer you into a different direction. Fish and fish oils have been debated over the years, due to the exposure of metals and toxins within aquatic habitats.

When comparing regular fish oil, krill oil creates very few dangers. In fact, it provides your body and mind, with essential fatty acids. Since these fatty acids cannot be synthesized within the human body, it is crucial that you incorporate them into your diet.

Krill oil is known as an easy and effective way to gain essential fatty acids. When you consume enough omega-3 fatty acids, you promote brain health, while reducing age-related decay, and boosting your immune system.

In order to discuss the benefits and potential risks, we’ll focus on the physical and environmental concerns below. These concerns are generally brought up when discussing krill oil. We will also discuss why this supplement is important to your physical and mental health.

What Are the Dangers Associated with Krill Oil?

First, what exactly is krill? Krill is a small shrimp, which lives in cold, marine habitats. There is an abundance of krill in the Pacific, as well as in the Antarctic. Although we harvest around 110,000 tons of krill each year, this barely puts a dent in the total biomass of krill on earth.

It’s believed that there’s as much as 500 million tons of krill worldwide. When focusing on omega-3 fatty acids, krill is likely the most potent source for human consumption. If there’s an abundance and it is known to benefit our health, what’s the issue?

Well, fish and any other marine species, have raised concerns over the years. This is not due to marine species themselves, but their environment. Due to various factors, sea life is exposed to impurities, damage due to oxidation, and heavy metals. With that being said, krill is unique in terms of this exposure.

Is is widely believed, that krill has become resistant to such impurities and heavy metals. They are known to be resistant to oxidative decay, which is highly encouraging. Also, after krill is harvested, it is highly non-perishable (meaning, illness due to spoilage, is not typically a concern).

While focusing on the purity of any organic product, it is important to read about the manufacturer. In this case, farming practices can make a big difference in terms to what krill was exposed to. While focusing on side-effects, none are considered to be a true danger.

The most common side-effects are a fishy breathe and sweating. However, those that opt for red krill oil, tend to experience these effects less. Both fish and krill oil can cause an upset stomach in some of its users. As mentioned, none of these are true risks to your health.

What Shelf-Life Can I Expect From Krill Oil?

If you have experimented with fish oils, you know that some can decay rather quickly. Krill oil on the other hand, can last up to two years on your shelf. This is VERY important, because when oils decay, they can actually produce dangerous free-radicals.

Free-radicals are associated with a number of health concerns and diseases, which is why antioxidants are highly recommended within your diet (as they help fight off free-radicals in your body and brain). Age-related decay within your organs, is commonly associated with these free-radicals.

Due to krill oil’s extensive shelf-life, it is considered to be highly versatile in this sense. After it is harvested, it will still provide you with benefits months, or even years later. Users experience both physical and mental benefits when utilizing this oil.

How Does Krill Oil Work to Provide Health Benefits?

The key component of krill oil in which offers various benefits, is its omega-3 fatty acid content. More specifically, it is DHA and EFA which support your health. These are good fats, which benefit the health of your cell membranes. By making these membranes more permeable, you boost your immune response, as well as organ function.

While focusing on your brain, the blood-brain barrier plays a substantial role. Since these fatty acids can cross this barrier, they improve signalling between cells, as well as overall brain function. Krill oil contains high levels of phospholipids, which work as an antioxidant (targeting and fighting off free-radicals).

Krill oil helps to prevent decay and decreases your potential risk of degenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Within the phospholipids, there’s also high concentrations of choline. Not only is choline essential for synthesizing acetylcholine (a highly beneficial neurotransmitter for cognition), but is a vital nutrient for the human body. Due to its choline content, krill oil is a great supplement for mental health.

The Key Benefits of Krill Oil

As mentioned, krill oil provides numerous benefits when taken regularly. Since krill oils helps to improve your immunity and overall organ function, it is a highly recommended supplement. One of the key organs in which krill oil benefits, is the heart. Heart disease is a rising concern, affecting millions each year. It is important that we make heart-healthy decisions to encourage longevity.

If you suffer from a skin condition, krill oil can dramatically improve the look and feel of your skin. When taking krill oil, you can also reduce the signs of aging (decreasing the look of fine lines and wrinkles).

The brain is a key area of interest, as krill oil can help promote better memory and brain function. Symptoms of depression and anxiety have been reduced through krill oil consumption. Also, users have noticed benefits regarding stress management.

The Verdict: Is Krill Oil Dangerous?

The dangers associated with marine environments within krill oil, is not a serious concern. This is of course dependent on the ways in which the krill oil you choose, has been harvested, then packaged. As mentioned, know what you’re buying.

When taking krill oil on a daily basis, the positives outweigh any of the potential minor side-effects. With effects resulting in a stronger immune system, a more positive mental state, and greater organ support, you can see why krill oil is so highly recommended.

Benefits such as enhanced memory and concentration, are more than likely due to the high choline content found in this oil. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your healthcare professional.