The Benefits of Antarctic Krill Oil

Our brains require omega-3 fatty acids to function at an optimal level. We’re encouraged to consume more fish, but what supplements are available? When taking Antarctic krill, you can enhance your overall immunity, improve organ support, relieve symptoms of arthritis, improve your skin, lower cholesterol, and increase cognitive effects.

Which such an impressive list of benefits, it’s hard to ignore Antarctic krill oil. This tiny shrimp-like crustacean, is a staple food source across the globe. Due to the high levels of omega-3 found in krill oil, many individuals are incorporating this supplement into their dietary routine.

Krill populations prefer cold water oceans. Since there are different krill oil options, what are the key differences? Does the region affect the quality of this supplement? We’re going to focus on Antarctic krill, but Pacific krill provides the same benefits.

Is the Krill Population at Risk of Depletion?

Due to human use, global warming, and other related concerns; the depletion of natural resources are now being taken more seriously. These concerns are accurate when focusing on various fish and seafood populations, as we’re overfishing our beautiful oceans.

In terms of the krill industry, these concerns are diminished. There is less concern because krill represents a sustainable source of food. This is due to the volume of krill that’s found within our planet’s biomass. This is encouraging, as supplementation does not threaten the population as a whole.

At any given time, it’s estimated that approximately 500 million tons of krill are living in various oceans. Krill is a staple food in Asia and other areas, yet only around 110,000 tons are harvested each year. At the current rate of consumption, we will not make a substantial dent in the krill population.

These creatures are only 1 to 5 cm in length, yet they provide high sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Both of these components are essential for proper human functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids need to be consumed within our diet, which is why krill oil is so beneficial.

What Are the Effects of Krill Oil?

As mentioned, krill oil provides us with essential omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are carried to tissues of the brain at a cellular level. The beneficial acids, both EFA and DHA, penetrate cells and help increase the permeability of their membranes.

These fatty acids can generally be found in every single cell wall within our body. Unfortunately, we’re often deficient. This means that we do not have enough fatty acids to satisfy our needs. This is why more and more people are supplementing with krill oil and other related supplements.

When you take 1000 mg daily, you can help change cell membranes. This helps prevent rigidity. When cell membranes are less rigid, nutrients and waste travel more freely. In turn, cell function improves. Once your cells improve, you can increase the strength of your organs and maintain healthy tissue.

Krill Oil Provides You With Phosphatidylcholine

Krill oil contains a phospholipid known as phosphatidylcholine. This benefits your brain in two key ways. First, it creates anti-oxidants effect, protecting you from free radicals. Secondly, it helps elevate levels of choline in the brain.

Phospholipids help strength cells, which makes them less prone to damage. This is especially true in terms of oxidized particles, which are linked to age-related cognitive decline. Since choline encourages increased levels of acetylcholine, neuroprotective properties are enhanced.

Krill oil increases your brain’s ability to grow and change, improving overall neuroplasticity. This ensures that your brain cells are protected from damage, which improves communication throughout the brain. For these reasons, Antarctic krill oil is considered a beneficial brain food.

Is It Necessary to Take Antarctic Krill Oil?

Although not necessary, there have been hundreds of studies conducted, which report the benefits experienced through krill oil supplementation. When you consume ample amounts of Antarctic krill oil, you can increase your immune system, while strengthening your organs.

Your brain is not the only organ that benefits, as all major organs are positively affected. This is especially true for your heart, as it helps to reduce triglyceride levels and LDL cholesterol. Krill oil is also known to benefit your skin, making it less susceptible to the effects of aging.

When focusing on brain function, Antarctic krill oil boosts memory function, improves one’s ability to reason, and increases levels of concentration. Due to its effects on neuroprotective properties, this supplement can aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Patients who suffer from Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, commonly take these supplements as part of their regular diet. This helps slow down the progression of their disease. For healthy individuals, Antarctic krill oil improves one’s ability to reduce stress.

Due to improved brain functionality, a better mood is also typically experienced. This is especially true for individuals that suffer from mild symptoms of depression or anxiety. For women, krill supplements have also been linked to reduced pain regarding PMS.

Is Antarctic Krill Oil Known For Any Serious Side-Effects?

When it comes to Antarctic krill, it’s exposed to pollution that we’ve created. Due to run-offs and dumping, our oceans are becoming polluted with toxins. This has resulted in heavy metal and toxin exposure within many species of fish and seafood.

When it comes to krill, they are at the bottom of the food chain. This means that they’re not exposed to high levels of toxic material, in comparison to fish and other species of marine life. From an environmental perspective, this means that krill is a ‘clean’ food source. Although many natural supplements do create slight side-effects, krill oil is known to be harmless regarding human consumption.

What Is the Recommended Dose of Antarctic Krill Oil?

The standard dose is between approximately 1000 and 2000 mg daily. There are different types of krill, but they do not differ much in terms of dosing and their efficiency. The key differences will be seen across various brands. Due to their preference for cold water, krill is most commonly harvested from the Pacific or Antarctic Ocean.

All krill has a red tone in terms of their color, which is why krill is often marketed as ‘red krill.’ This indicates the amount of algae in their diet, which is linked to a higher anti-oxidant effect. When deciding between krill from the Antarctic and Pacific, there’s very little difference. They both yield identical benefits. Look for the phospholipid content, as anything above 200-300 mg is considered an excellent product.